Friday, July 1, 2011


Title says it all. I have made bad choices before, and It hasn't been until recently that I feel the consquences of my choices.


Had a thought the other day about an old friend. I wonder what she is doing now?

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I am having a hard time moving on. I wish it got easier every time you break up with someone. They say time will heal all. I hope it does.


Monday, August 30, 2010

The Church. :D

Monday, August 30, 2010

I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church. I have had many experiences that are too personal to share on here. Maybe one day if you ask me I might share one of them with you. Lately, I have been trying to "Listen" to the Spirit more and be more like my Father in Heaven. You never know when you are needed to perform your Priesthood Duties. I Met a special young lady not to long ago and I wish I had my house in better order then where it is now. It really hurts to know that some of my decisions that I have made in my life are hindering me right now. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and his everlasting atonement are their for me and I know that I can be made whole again.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Choices and Accountability.

Lately I have reflected back on my life and wondered how my life would be different if I had made different choices. I pondered over it for a long time and there is only a handful of choices that I would have made different. The number one thing that I look back now on is I should of married a young lady when I was in my early twenties I do miss her still but I know that a relationship now would not work. I tried to call her the other day and talked to her older sister for some time to catch up on how both of their lives have gone for them. I know she is still single and not "Involved" with anyone at the moment.

My second choice would of been to pursued my education to the next level. I mean getting another degree on top of the one that i should of got. Now I will be enrolling in school to finish it up and get a Graduate degree. I will be in my mid 30's but better late then never.

My third choice would of been to follow my heart and looked for my biological parents. I know that it would be almost impossible to find them but then I could of least said yes I have tried to find them.

There is more choices that I would change but the others are more personal and I am choosing not to share them on my blog. (People would think I am a bad person)


Monday, September 8, 2008

101.9 The End

The Radio Station that I work at. It is so much fun hanging out with the staff there. I have done one stunt with them and Parker dressed me up in this 7' Nalley Pickle costume. It was a lot of fun to go and snap pictures with people and act like a total idiot. You could not even tell that it was me, and I am volunteering again to do another stunt with the radio station. I don't know what it is but we will see if I can make a bigger fool out of myself.

Life, Love & Death?

My life as I know it. I thought I knew everything about my life, but looking back at some of my memories when my parents first got me I look at life different now. I was born in Korea, and my mother cared for me for a short time. A woman that I will never probably know in this lifetime but I occasionally catch myself thinking about her. I wonder what she looked like and why she "Gave" me up or did she truly love me and make one of the hardest decisions in her life and decide to leave me on a door step of an orphanage? I have all these pictures that my parents took of me and man i will boast about it I was one good looking little baby. My mother told me that when I would go and get my picture taken that they would leave my picture up in the window for the whole world to see. But look at me know I have grown up and I look like a Korean male I guess..

Love, recently my parents met one of my friends (Jennice) and we went down to my parents property to spend the weekend 4-wheeling and such. My parents pulled me aside and told me "She is so cute and when are you going to pop the question?" Question!?? I don't know what was going through my mothers brain but Jennice and I are great friends known her for along time now. Love, I have no one imparticular that I love at the moment. There are some cute girls that I would like to get to know better but no one that I love.

Death I ponder it sometimes, when I will go and if I will meet my Biological Parents. I have had alot of family pass beyond the veil and I do miss them and yearn to see them once again. It is coming up on 3 years of the passing of one of my good friends. I always wonder what other achievements that my friend would of acomplished in 3 years? Well this is getting old and I am going to go back to a good book that I decided to read. The Count of Monte Cristo....