Thursday, October 2, 2008

Choices and Accountability.

Lately I have reflected back on my life and wondered how my life would be different if I had made different choices. I pondered over it for a long time and there is only a handful of choices that I would have made different. The number one thing that I look back now on is I should of married a young lady when I was in my early twenties I do miss her still but I know that a relationship now would not work. I tried to call her the other day and talked to her older sister for some time to catch up on how both of their lives have gone for them. I know she is still single and not "Involved" with anyone at the moment.

My second choice would of been to pursued my education to the next level. I mean getting another degree on top of the one that i should of got. Now I will be enrolling in school to finish it up and get a Graduate degree. I will be in my mid 30's but better late then never.

My third choice would of been to follow my heart and looked for my biological parents. I know that it would be almost impossible to find them but then I could of least said yes I have tried to find them.

There is more choices that I would change but the others are more personal and I am choosing not to share them on my blog. (People would think I am a bad person)



Tonia said...

We all have regrets. Don't we?

Tara H. said...

Hey Casey,
It was good to find your blog. I also really liked your post. We all think about stuff we wish would be different or choices we would have made differently. I love in Kung Fu Panda, yes I said Kung Fu Panda, there is a quote "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it's called the present."
I guess we just have to press forward and to the best we can starting today.
Also, good luck with the girl :)
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